Friday, March 2, 2012

Type 1: Chart Display Total Leave Of Employees.

Step 1: Create new list ReportOnChartLeaveForm include fields:
UserName : Person or Group
StartDate: Date and Time
EndDate: Date and Time
Reason: Multiple lines of text
NumberDay: Number
Department: Lookup (Departments List)
Position: Lookup (Positions List)
Manager: Person or Group
TypeOfLeave: Choice (Sick, Personal, Annual, Maternity, Marriage, Funeral, Working Accident)
Step 2: Create new  Webpart Solution name is ReportChartForListLeaveForm
Step 3: Create new Folder name is Script
Step 4: Copy 2 files javascript (jquery-1.4.2.js, jquery.SPServices-0.5.6.js) to Folder Script and create new file script in folder Script name is ReportChartForListLeaveForm.js
Step 5: Copy code below to method CreateChildControls()
Literal literal = new Literal();           
            literal.Text = "<center><div id='filter'><select id='startMonth'><option value='01' selected='selected'>1</option><option value='02'>2</option><option value='03'>3</option><option value='04'>4</option><option value='05'>5</option><option value='06'>6</option><option value='07'>7</option><option value='08'>8</option><option value='09'>9</option><option value='10'>10</option><option value='11'>11</option><option value='12'>12</option></select>";
            literal.Text += "<select id='endMonth'><option value='01'>1</option><option value='02'>2</option><option value='03'>3</option><option value='04'>4</option><option value='05'>5</option><option value='06'>6</option><option value='07'>7</option><option value='08'>8</option><option value='09'>9</option><option value='10'>10</option><option value='11'>11</option><option value='12' selected='selected'>12</option></select>";
            literal.Text += "<select id='year'><option value='2009'>2009</option><option value='2010'>2010</option><option value='2011' selected='selected'>2011</option><option value='2012'>2012</option></select>";
            //Load data from list
            literal.Text += "<select id='department'>";
            SPSite spSite = SPControl.GetContextSite(Context);
            using (SPWeb spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
                SPList spList = spWeb.Lists["Departments"];
                SPListItemCollection spListItemCollection = spList.Items;
                foreach (SPListItem item in spListItemCollection)
                    literal.Text += "<option value='" + item["ID"] + "'>" + item["DepartmentName"] + "</option>";
            literal.Text += "</select>";
            literal.Text += "<select id='typeOfLeave'><option value='Sick'>Sick</option><option value='Personal'>Personal</option><option value='Annual'>Annual</option><option value='Maternity'>Maternity</option><option value='Marriage'>Marriage</option><option value='Funeral'>Funeral</option><option value='Working Accident'>Working Accident</option></select>";
            literal.Text += "<input id='btnReport' type='button' value='Report' />";
            literal.Text += "</div></center>";
            literal.Text += "<center><div id='ReportChart' style='width: 500px; height: 400px;'>";
            literal.Text += "</div></center>"
            Literal literalReport = new Literal();
            literalReport.Text += "<script>$('#btnReport').click(function () {GetData();});</script>";



Step 6: Open file ReportChartForListLeaveForm.js and copy Code javascript below paste to it
google.load("visualization""1", { packages: ["corechart"] });
var arrayNumberDay = '';
var arrayUser = '';
function GetData() {
             arrayUser = ''//Restart value
             arrayNumberDay = ''//Restart value
             //Get value from Dropdownlist
             var ddlYear = $("#year").attr("value");
             var ddlStartMonth = $("#startMonth").attr("value");
             var ddlEndMonth = $("#endMonth").attr("value");
             var ddlDepartment = $("#department").attr("value");
             var ddlTypeOfLeave = $("#typeOfLeave").attr("value");
             //Get array user
                 operation: "GetListItems",
                 async: false,
                 listName: "ReportOnChartLeaveForm",
                 completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
                     $(xData.responseXML).find("z\\:row").each(function () {
                         var startDate = $(this).attr("ows_StartDate"); //2011-08-01 00:00:00                   
                         var startYear = startDate.substring(0, 4); //2011
                         var startMonth = startDate.substring(5, 7); //08

                         var department = $(this).attr("ows_Department");//1;# Information Technology
                         department = department.split(';'); //1 and # Information Technology
                         department = department[0];//1
                         var typeOfLeave = $(this).attr("ows_TypeOfLeave");//Sick
                         if (typeOfLeave == ddlTypeOfLeave) {
                             if (department == ddlDepartment) {
                                 if (startYear == ddlYear) {
                                     //alert(startMonth+">="+ddlStartMonth +"&&"+ startMonth+"<="+ddlEndMonth);
                                     if (startMonth >= ddlStartMonth && startMonth <= ddlEndMonth) {
                                         var userName = $(this).attr("ows_UserName"); //2;#ACER\\ituser1
                                         userName = userName.split('#'); //2; and ACER\\ituser1
                                         userName = userName[1]; //ACER\\ituser1
                                         arrayUser += userName + ";"//ACER\\ituser1;
             //Filter user similar

             arrayUser = arrayUser.substring(0, arrayUser.length - 1); //ACER\\ituser1;ACER\\ituser2; => ACER\\ituser1;ACER\\ituser2
             arrayUser = arrayUser.split(';'); //ACER\\ituser1 and ACER\\ituser2
             //alert(arrayUser.length); => ACER\\itleader1;ACER\\itleader1;ACER\\ituser1;ACER\\ituser1;ACER\\ituser2
             for (var i = 0; i < arrayUser.length; i++) {
                 for (var j = i + 1; j < arrayUser.length; j++) {
                     if (arrayUser[i] == arrayUser[j]) {
                         Array.removeAt(arrayUser, j);
             //alert(arrayUser.length); => ACER\\itleader1;ACER\\ituser1;ACER\\ituser2

             //Get array Number Days Leave Form of Employees from startmonth to endmonth
             for (var i = 0; i < arrayUser.length; i++) {
                 var day = 0;
                     operation: "GetListItems",
                     async: false,
                     listName: "ReportOnChartLeaveForm",
                     completefunc: function (xData, Status) {
                         $(xData.responseXML).find("z\\:row").each(function () {
                             var startDate = $(this).attr("ows_StartDate"); //2011-08-01 00:00:00                   
                             var startYear = startDate.substring(0, 4);
                             var startMonth = startDate.substring(5, 7);
                             var department = $(this).attr("ows_Department");
                             department = department.split(';');
                             department = department[0];
                             var typeOfLeave = $(this).attr("ows_TypeOfLeave");
                             if (typeOfLeave == ddlTypeOfLeave) {
                                 if (department == ddlDepartment) {
                                     if (startYear == ddlYear) {
                                         //alert(startMonth+">="+ddlStartMonth +"&&"+ startMonth+"<="+ddlEndMonth);
                                         if (startMonth >= ddlStartMonth && startMonth <= ddlEndMonth) {
                                             var numberDay = $(this).attr("ows_NumberDay");
                                             var userName = $(this).attr("ows_UserName");
                                             userName = userName.split('#');
                                             userName = userName[1];
                                             if (userName == arrayUser[i]) {
                                                 day += parseFloat(numberDay);//1+=2=>6
                 //Plus arrar Number Day
                 arrayNumberDay += day + ';'//3;4;5;
             arrayNumberDay = arrayNumberDay.substring(0, arrayNumberDay.length - 1); //3;4;5
             //Convert arrayNumberDay to Array
             arrayNumberDay = arrayNumberDay.split(';');
             //alert(arrayNumberDay + "--" + arrayUser);
             // Now, we have ddlStartMonth+"to"+ddlEndMonth, arrayUser, arrayNumberDay  

             DrawChart(ddlStartMonth, ddlEndMonth, arrayUser, arrayNumberDay);

         // Draw chart
         function DrawChart(ddlStartMonth, ddlEndMonth, arrayUser, arrayNumberDay) {
             var fromMonthToMothLeave = ddlStartMonth + "->" + ddlEndMonth;
             var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
             //Add column
             for (var i = 0; i < arrayUser.length; i++) {
                 data.addColumn('number''"' + arrayUser[i] + '"');
             //Add row
             //Add value
             data.setValue(0, 0, '"' + fromMonthToMothLeave + '"');
             for (var j = 0; j < arrayNumberDay.length; j++) {
                 data.setValue(0, j + 1, parseFloat(arrayNumberDay[j]));
             var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById('ReportChart'));
             chart.draw(data, { width: 500, height: 400, title: 'Leave Form Of Employees',
                 vAxis: { title: 'From Month To Month', titleTextStyle: { color: 'red'} }

Step 7: Copy 3 file in file Script (jquery-1.4.2.js, jquery.SPServices-0.5.6.js, ReportChartForListLeaveForm.js) to folder  wpresources with path below C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\8888\wpresources
Step 8: Build and Deploy Project
Step 9: Open List ReportOnChartLeaveForm in  sharepoint site
Step 10: Click Site Action | Edit Page | Insert WebPart | Custom | add webpart ReportChartForListLeaveForm  and see result below
Step 11: Create data below
Step 12: Filter chart
No Result
Guide deploy project:
Download file .rar name is demo include: List template (Positions, Departments, ReportOnChartLeaveForm), Script, Project at here
Step 1: Open Project which you downloaded to your computer
Step 2: Click left mouse to project ReportChartForList_LeaveFormApp
Step 3: Click properties and change Site Url to your  site
Step 4: Build and Deploy Project
Step 5: Create new List base on list template (Positions, Departments, ReportOnChartLeaveForm)
Step 6: Verify Fields Position and Department in list ReportOnChartLeaveForm (delete and create new)
Step 7: Copy 3 files JS (jquery-1.4.2.js, jquery.SPServices-0.5.6.js, ReportChartForListLeaveForm.js) to folder  wpresources with path below C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\8888\wpresources


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