Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sharepoint interview questions from VietNam's company

Part 1
1.     Different spsite and spweb ?
a.     SPSite is a site collection
b.    SPWeb is an SharePoint Website under site collection in Sharepoint (or "Site" from the UI), this includes subsites
2.     What is CAML?
CAML - also called as Collaborative Application Markup Language is the custom XML language in SharePoint.
3.     What is Content types and site column Sharepoint?
a.     Content types core organizational, contain site columns to reuse in sharepoint list content type
b.    Site column is created within content type or added to list
4.     What is ONET.xml?
a.     Onet.xml file specifies all the components contained in a site. It is considered as the core of a site definition.
b.    It is present at following location: %SharePoint Root% \TEMPLATE\SiteTemplates\XML\Onet.xml
5.     Differentiate between Library and List?
a.     Library is used to store the document.
b.    Lists is used to store the items, List can be used to attach a document.
6.     Web Part life cycle in SharePoint 2010?
a.     OnInit, OnLoad, CreateChildControls, EnsureChildControls, SaveViewState, OnPreRender, Page.PreRenderComplete, Render, RenderContents, OnUnload.
7.     What is the difference between the farm and sandbox?
a.     Farm solutions
                                          i.    Farm solutions are hosted in the IIS worker process (W3WP.exe).
                                         ii.    If you run any code in farm solution the whole farm will got affected.
                                        iii.    If you deploy any feature or retract any feature the whole application pool got recycled.
                                        iv.    Since they are scoped as farm level, they have full trust access to all the resources.
                                         v.    When the Sandboxed Solution property is set to False, selecting Build\Deploy will deploy the solution to the Farm Solution Gallery
b.    Sandbox solutions
                                          i.    Sandboxed solutions are hosted in the SharePoint user code solution worker process (SPUCWorkerProcess.exe).
                                         ii.    The process runs under a CAS policy that restricts programmatic access to any resource outside the sandbox.
                                        iii.    Never restart the IIS application pool.
                                        iv.    If you run any code it will affect only the site collection of the solution.
                                         v.    Helpful if you have shared hosting.
                                        vi.    When the Sandboxed Solution property is set to True, selecting Build\Deploy Solution deploys the solution to the site collection Solution Gallery.
8.     What is a SharePoint site definition??
SharePoint sites consist of numerous Web pages, just like an ASP.NET 2.0 application.
When a site is created, these pages are created as instances in the content database.
The instances refer to the actual file on the file system.
9.     What are the Disadvantages of Using LINQ in your Code?
a.     LINQ translates the LINQ queries into Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) queries thus adding an extra step for retrieving the items.
10.  What are new feature in sharepoint 2010?
a.     Sandboxed Solutions
b.    New User Interface including Ribbon
c.     Built-in SilverLight Support
d.    Access Services
e.     Managed Metadata
f.     Visio Services
g.    PerformancePoint Services
h.     Language Integrated Query (LINQ) for SharePoint
i.      Multi-Tenant Hosting
11.  What are Web Applications in SharePoint?
a.     An IIS Web site created and used by SharePoint 2010
12.  What is a site collection?
a.     A site collection contains a top-level website and can contain one or more sub-sites web sites that have the same owner and share administration settings.
13.  What are content databases?
a.     A content database can hold all the content for one or more site collections
14.  What is Managed Metadata?
a.     Managed metadata is a hierarchical collection of centrally managed terms that you can define, and then use as attributes for items.
15.  What does AllowUnsafeUpdates do?

a.     If your code modifies Windows SharePoint Services data in some way, you may need to allow unsafe updates on the Web site, without requiring a security validation. You can do by setting the AllowUnsafeUpdates property.
Part 2
1.       What is viewstate and how to use?
a.    It is used to store data the page value at the time of post back
b.    Example: when you input value to TextBox then click button=> after page postback data is stored to the viewstate
c.    Declare viewstate: ViewState["NameOfUser"] = FieldInput.Text;
d.    Use ViewState: FieldLabel.Text=ViewState["NameOfUser"].ToString();
2.    Event Life cycle ?
a.    Page_Init
b.    LoadViewState
c.    LoadPostData
d.    Page_Load
e.    RaisePostDataChangedEvent
f.     RaisePostBackEvent
g.    Page_Prerender
h.    SaveViewState
i.      Page_Render
j.      Page_Unload
3.     SPWebapplication vs SPWebService ?
Adding vs Added?
4.     Using Linq List<Order> to query data with length of string > 50
5.     Unit VS Int
6.     In EF 5.0 disadvantage of inclucde clause
7.     Describe the case out of box listviewwebpart can not use, and you use custom webpart
8.    Select class Jquery and count
a.    Var numberItem= $(‘.item’).length;
9.    Caml Query: get employee with FullName is Mary
a.    spQuery.Query=”<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name=’FullName’/><Value type=’Text’> Mary</Value><Eq></Where>”
10.  Entity framework: purpose of include clause
I often use theObjectQuery.Include method to eagerly load associated entities, in order to avoid database roundtrips when I access them:

var query =
    from ord in db.Orders.Include("OrderDetails")
    where ord.Date >= DateTime.Today
    select ord;

11. Analyst performance in implement entity framework?
Avoid fetching all the fields if not required
Retrieve only required number of records (rows)
Avoid using Contains
Avoid using Views
Use Compiled Query
Must examine Queries before being sent to the Database
Efficiently Loading Related Data
Select appropriate Loading type while defining model
12. What is metadata service in sharepoint 2010? Purpose of metadata service?
a.    Managed Metadata is a hierarchical collection of terms that can be associated with items in SharePoint 2010. We can use Central Administration website to manage these terms.
b.    Purpose: Term Sets can be shared across a site collection or globally, S earching using Metadata gives more relevant result
13. C# elevate spweb from a url?
                using (SPSite spSite = new SPSite(SPContext.Current.Web.Url))
                    using (SPWeb spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
                             //Code here
14. What isThe UNION operator used to?
a.    The UNION operator is used to combine the result-set of two or more SELECT statements.
b.    Notice that each SELECT statement within the UNION must have the same number of columns. The columns must also have similar data types. Also, the columns in each SELECT statement must be in the same order.
15. Get amount order from three tables (Customers, Orders, OrderDetails) which customerid= 111?
select COUNT(Orders.OrderID) as amountoforder,Customers.CustomerID
from Customers inner join Orders on Customers.CustomerID=Orders.CustomerID where Customers.CustomerID=111
group by Customers.CustomerID
16. Index in SQL server
a.    INDEX statement is used to create indexes in tables.
b.    An index can be created in a table to find data more quickly and efficiently.
c.    The users cannot see the indexes, they are just used to speed up searches/queries.
d.    Note: Updating a table with indexes takes more time than updating a table without (because the indexes also need an update). So you should only create indexes on columns (and tables) that will be frequently searched against.
17. Content Type ID Structure?
The content type ID of the basic content type Item is 0x01 (System: 0x, Item: 0x01). This denotes that the Item content type is a direct child of System. The content type ID of the Document content type is 0x0101, and the Folder content type has a content type ID of 0x0120.
18. WCF advantage nettcpbinding vs basic httpbinding
Default Configurable
Transport Protocol
Default Other
Transport, Message, Mixed
Transport, Message, Mixed


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